AMPS it’s a highly ethical group of health professionals. So, if you thinking of finding a body to back, chuck them a few bucks.

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Well done AMPS for bringing you all together in this fantastic project!.

Wise strategy with your dentist to hold back on the entire red-pilling in one go - after all it took most of us a few years to grasp the extent of this and we're still going! I've found that an acceptable approach with some friends willing to engage but wanting to avoid difficult topics is to discuss our epistemologies - how do we know what we know, and whom do we trust? Usually that leads me to tell a couple of stories about the moments when I lost trust in my formerly trusted sources, because I'm the one who went through the Looking Glass.

And thanks for the clarification, I did wonder with two Pains whether you were related. ;)

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🏆 From the Nobel Prize Facebook page today. This is science?

”The [Covid-19] vaccines have saved millions of lives and prevented severe disease in many more, allowing societies to open and return to normal conditions. Through their fundamental discoveries of the importance of base modifications in mRNA, this year’s Nobel laureates critically contributed to this transformative development during one of the biggest health crises of our time.” ~ Nobel Prize dot org (Facebook)


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Sweden's Karolinska Institutet, which is selector of the Nobel Prize, receives research funding from Bill Gates' foundation, Fauci's NIH, and the DOD.

You can find out by checking Karolinska's website carefully.


Bill Gates was also lurking behind the scenes.

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Brilliant! Brilliantly reported. I just wish the topic were not so devastating. We must acknowledge the problem and its cause in order to deal with it, and to start researching how to help those affected.

Time is critical! Every day we lose more people... and the health of others deteriorates...

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SuperSally has been key in getting the data for www.excessdeathstats.com/philippines - which is simply shocking.

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We've all witnessed mercenary Andrew Hill's (aka Judas) cowardly climb down after promising Tess Lawrie that he'd work tirelessly to promote IVERMECTIN. But as soon as reems of CASH was on the table, he decided to join the DEADLY VAX promoting villains that want us terminated. He suddenly refuted all his promotional verbatim regarding IVERMECTIN and submitted to bribery & corruption.

A DEADLY JOKE - that's the useless but frequently DEADLY Covid injection (they pretend is a 'vaccine') which does NOTHING to stop Covid (which was made to order = GoF) or its transmission. It simply shortens recipients' lives, brings back previous illnesses (with more serious eventualities) or can Kill recipients outright.

Perhaps this was the Plan from the outset = To kill the majority of the World's population in order to Save the Planet from 'fictitious Global Warming'?

All the while these murdering injection manufacturers enjoy ZERO LIABILITY from any adverse reactions or DEATHS that follow their poisons being injected.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Your dentist's reaction is the reason I can't follow through with your request to share your posts. People simply cannot swallow it. It is too wacko compared with The Narrative. at the professional level, after a cardiac reaction immediately post-bivalent I told a cardiologist about the excess deaths reported on Dr. John Campbell's channel. He actually watched it, or at least he said he did, and he wrote me through my e-chart, "I am not impressed." I accept that physicians are stifled in expressing their views. if that were the case though, there was no need for him to say anything. Great thanks for saying all that you do

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Thanks for your comment Leynia. Well done for talking to your cardiologist! I can't remember where I heard this, but people need something like five 'touches' before they wake up. Indeed it took several instances of 'odd moments' and a persistent husband who is a big picture thinker before I realised things had gone seriously awry. This Discernable interview tells my story https://discernable.io/clare-pain-medical-journalist-writing-for-doctors-throughout-the-pandemic/

Your 'touch' may have been the first for that cardiologist. There will be others. With sharing my posts - you are quite right to think carefully about whether they will be counter productive. I'll think how they can be made more shareable. With my dentist - she was genuinely concerned that lots of people were dying with no investigation. That piece of information is in her brain now. Hopefully there will be other touches, because truth has a way of coming out..

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Hearing from you, Clare, feels wonderful! What you wrote makes sense. I don't automatically change my beliefs because of a comment from someone I have talked with for 7 minutes. I will follow the link you sent.

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I went back to the dentist yesterday (tooth still hurting). She asked how my talk went and said 'did you manage to get the message across?' So something seems to have registered! I'm not saying she agrees with what I said, but she certainly remembers it.

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First, bummer that your tooth is such a pain. I hope it/you will be okay soon. I had meant to comment yesterday on how unusually open-minded your dentist is, and how much respect she showed for your thoughts. On your return visit she actually inquired how you were doing with your message. That is heartening to read, and to read from you as a followup to me. Good wishes for your continued efforts, on behalf of us all. If you feel like posting again about your word-smithing for palatability I will gladly read.

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Thank-you Clare and all who contributed to the AMPS book. Your article and Dr. Geoff Pain's substack inspired my recent Chart of the Day (CotD) Australia Covid and Excess Deaths see eldric.substack.com

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