Good work Clare.....on Nov.26th I also published "Chart of the Day (CotD) Philippines Covid and Excess Deaths" on this same news item (see https://eldric.substack.com/p/chart-of-the-day-cotd-philippines)


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Thank you Clare! Brilliant work as usual!

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That’s great, thanks Clare.

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Way to go Philippines! They need to keep looking hard at iatrogenic deaths and patient and doctor/nurse panic as a possible cause of many of these extra deaths. Plus the non-vaccines.

The deaths CAUSED by the Covid response might be almost as big a scandal as the deaths caused by mandatory vaccines.

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Questions, in no particular order: When was the alleged pandemic declared, who was in on it from the get go i.e. captains of industry, church leaders, Charity leaders, government leaders, medical leaders, etc, was anyone involved in Event 21 in 2019, who received grants from Bill & Melinda Gates foundation & the like, how much involvement did the WHO have in decision making, which forecast models were used as predictors? That'll do for starters.

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Extremely interesting.Does anyone know what date vaccinations started?It would be interesting to know if and when mandates started .Those points marked on the chart might make it easier to draw conclusions as to cause and effect.

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Good point Shelagh, with annual data like this that's not possible. What is needed is for weekly data to be analysed. I do know that there were seven different vaccines used in the Philippines and anecdotally I have heard that some people had multiple vaccinations of several types. Also, healthcare in the Philippines seems to be non ideal. It's interesting to note from the graph that death rates in the Philippines have risen steadily since 2000 (that's why no points are below the zero line) - so something was going wrong there even before covid. Another question to ask the Philippines Govt!

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COVID is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc. and whilst lockdowns etc. will have helped increase deaths. as vaccines are and always have been poisonous, they must be the primary cause.


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Only 3 years too late to be questioning the disease and the cure - both planned to perfection!

Was MYOCARDITIS included as yet another deliberate health issue when the mercenary and CORRUPT Big Pharma pretended to have invented a "Safe and Effective" injection for Fauci's man-enhanced viral illness? Big Pharma motto = "There's no money in HEALTHY PEOPLE"! "Let's make 'em sicker and for longer!"

Myocarditis is RIFE after accepting the useless 'Experimental' injection - they call a vaccine!

You can't expect to Pfuck with the human heart with dangerous injections and expect it to "get better". It's insane!

I hereby reject the World Health Organisation as an entity that now has no relevance to humanity - since being corrupted by its biggest benefactor - Bill Gates. Gates now owns and controls the WHO.

We, the people, declare the WHO obsolete and redundant - so stick your Treaty where it hurts!

The now CORRUPT World Health Organisation is DEAD! We, the people have spoken!

With regard to Bill Gates's now CORRUPT World Health Organisation, I seem to remember, early on in the revelation that a 'Health Treaty' was being prepared by this organisation, which Bill Gates now controls, that some of the smaller African Nations were not invited to vote of this lunatic Treaty because other larger African nations could vote for them. Was I dreaming, or is this yet another example of how Gates's WHO intends to take over the world population in the guise of 'health' = resulting in total control of our daily lives, thoughts and actions?

The WHO is now defunct and has no place in World Health matters. We have spoken!

We shouldn't need to explain what's been going on since before 2019 so that those sleeping since Covid was created (and the useless but deadly injections were made available) can assimilate the incredible but sinister story. But it seems there are still many of these complacent muppets still snoozing through the CULL of civilisation.

The time of reckoning is well overdue and the conspirators' Heads Must Roll!

Hopefully, there are more of us who realise the damage and fatalities these depopulating Covid injections cause.

Myocarditis is just one of a myriad of injuries and DISEASES caused by the useless Covid Jab. Cancers can also be activated.

Most of us now seem to know the whole Covid & DEADLY VAX scams were introduced after several years of Planning!

It seems there are more diseases and illnesses caused by the DEADLY COVID JAB. The crap does nothing to stop or reduce the man-made virus. The jab, they pretend is a ‘Vaccine’, seems to reduce our natural resistance to every known illness. The jab also stimulates or resurrects long-forgotten illnesses we might have historically recovered from. AND it seems to introduce new diseases and CANCERS along with many other DEADLY health complications. But still, the murderous vax-makers deny all LIABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY for health issues and DEATHS their injections so obviously cause.

Retribution is well overdue for the pre-meditated mass murders the vax makers planned with their co-conspirators at the CDC & FDA.

We cannot simply let these insane criminals apologise and expect to continue a normal life, while millions have died due to their greed or insane beliefs which we’ve all had to endure.

Mick from Hooe (UK) – Unjabbed and ready to fight dirty!

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And tomorrow is December 1st - the deadline for the first WHO amendment of the International Health Regulations ...

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