When were the dangers of Covid vax first apparent? As soon as the FDA illegally allowed an EUA to Big Pharma for their 'UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE' injection, when pre-existing SAFE anti-viral medicines were available but hidden from public view to justify the EUA!
With the deadly Covid injection (which they pretend is a vaccine) you're guaranteed a high percentage of serious permanent 'vax-related injuries' or 'vax-related DEATHS'. It's simply like playing Russian Roulette, with the added bonus that with every extra jab, your natural resistance to illnesses is reduced - exponentially.
Here's just another bizarre observation/prediction from a Proud Conspiracy Theorist;
The DEADLY injection they pretend is a vaccine, has already killed off a high percentage of the most vulnerable - the frail and elderly, but the true extent of the depravity demonstrated by Pfizer, Moderna etc, will become exponentially clear over the next decade. This is because the "SAFE and EFFECTIVE VAX Cure" is designed to kill women and babies during pregnancy.
The poison is then embedded forever, rendering women infertile! With no cure!
And Pfizer, etc, still enjoy IMMUNITY from all LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their POISONS!
When were the dangers of Covid vax first apparent? As soon as the FDA illegally allowed an EUA to Big Pharma for their 'UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE' injection, when pre-existing SAFE anti-viral medicines were available but hidden from public view to justify the EUA!
With the deadly Covid injection (which they pretend is a vaccine) you're guaranteed a high percentage of serious permanent 'vax-related injuries' or 'vax-related DEATHS'. It's simply like playing Russian Roulette, with the added bonus that with every extra jab, your natural resistance to illnesses is reduced - exponentially.
Here's just another bizarre observation/prediction from a Proud Conspiracy Theorist;
The DEADLY injection they pretend is a vaccine, has already killed off a high percentage of the most vulnerable - the frail and elderly, but the true extent of the depravity demonstrated by Pfizer, Moderna etc, will become exponentially clear over the next decade. This is because the "SAFE and EFFECTIVE VAX Cure" is designed to kill women and babies during pregnancy.
The poison is then embedded forever, rendering women infertile! With no cure!
And Pfizer, etc, still enjoy IMMUNITY from all LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their POISONS!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!