thank you Clare and Ralph,

and for your help with creating these Terms of Reference

folks, it is Monday, 8 January .. only a few days left (this Friday) to send a message with the force of Co-Signatory numbers that demand a real Royal Commission, not some theatre for our public servants to pat themselves on the back over Covid-19, because we all know they were dreadful .. to put it nicely

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Thanks Ralph! Yes, it seems that our unrelenting barrage of 'pebbles' against their very sturdy stone wall is beginning to show cracks in their fortress walls! Even if some think we're wasting our time, and it's all over now, we must believe that every time we try to remind more of the truth, as we see it, we might get one or two to take a closer look at the many Conspiracy Theorist coincidences!

If we just capitulate and agree that the issue is all over, ('gone away') those that mean us no good will become remotivated and 'hey presto' there will be Covid TWO with even more mRNA jabs attempting to modify our genes.



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💉Just in: World’s largest study in COVID vaccine side-effects | ABC News - presented by Dr Norman Swan. Absolute drivel https://youtu.be/_bjzWUkVknQ?si=sPVd2PF8qPOF9z2r

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My opinion, who ( no pun intended) was in on it from the get go or in other words, which self appointed "leaders" got a seat at the table before "kick off?" The National Cabinet Documents could/ would reveal most of the information required by any lengthy, expensive, Royal Commission. If you don't gain access to these documents, unredacted, which directly affected ALL Australian's, only partial truths will be revealed & the real perpetrators WILL re-group & same horse different jockey. Maybe the AHRC could assist.🤣

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Seems like asking for another pointless 'Whitewash' of the Covid and Injection fiasco. Just like the one we're experiencing in the UK!

We, the people have dismissed the CORRUPTED World Health Organisation as being obsolete in their misguided and sinister interfering in matters relating to human health. On 30th November 2023 - We the people terminated the existence of the WHO.

We the people have spoken!

We are not machines - yet!

No doubt the ineffective but harmful Covid mRNA Gene Modifying injections will modify the DNA of all 'vax participants' (aka; Muppets) into sub-human beings, cooperative, submissive obedient 'Slave Workers for the Elitists to exploit for their increased enjoyment of the 'other life', which is being stolen (eroded) with every new rule, law, instruction that the WEF controlled 'establishment' introduces.

Curtailing our movement with obligatory insistence that we use 'low-emission' (Electric) vehicles as well as restricting zonal permits are the obvious new steps that are 'dumbing us down'. Restricting our ability to visit others to communicate our suspicions, fears and our concerns to reduce our dissent!

With Bill Gates having recently stated "The next one will get their attention", it is clear the WEF New World Order 'Elitists' have already formulated the next Scamdemic - which sounds as though it could be way more dangerous than Covid!

Make LIABILITY for all medicines, particularly Experimental' injections, is a paramount essential in removing the 'dumbing down' process through the insertion of poisonous mRNA Gene Editing solutions.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Hi Mick, Yes there is always a risk that an attempt to make progress against the controlling class may not be successful. But I feel these sorts of efforts at the very least help to galvanise us and bring more people into the light. It seems a good approach is to keep trying many avenues in parallel ... including political. In fact, together we are all making great progress. Remember, it used to be only the not-injected on our side? It's like watching the full moon rise out of the sea. In a brief glimpse it seems to be still, but over a few minutes we can remember that it grew from a dot of light, to a pink-shaded shy new born, to a fully-formed bright shining emblem of ancient truth. Every step we take makes some progress. I am so proud of the progress we have all made so far.

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