Unbelievable they are rebranding the flu again🤦‍♀️. These people need to be locked away🤯

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The sky is falling, just in time for elections.

Will be interesting to see if THEY can leverage it to THEIR advantage this time.

You may be interested in my articles: I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in my article: We breathe air not oxygen.

This deception is a hold-over from the mechanistic view of mammals.

We are not MACHINE MEN fuelled by combustion and exhaust gases.

Hydration NOT oxygenation underpins our physiology.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

Oxygen is calibrated by its DRYNESS in parts per million. Oxygen is man-made by stripping air of moisture.

Oxygen is converted to nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to make a non-combustible oxygen.

I link a video demonstrating this with a home oxygen concentrator.

Air contains no oxygen or nitrogen or the other 1% of gases as these are PRODUCTS of air NOT constitutes of air.

Pollution is removed from air when it rains, self cleaning.

The lungs require air reaching the alveoli to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point or drop point, or water.

Can you see the problem oxygen presents?

The mucosa conditions the air with moisture and salt. So the drops arriving at the alveoli are salty.

The red blood cells are rehydrated with salt water in the alveoli capillaries as they pass through. The IV saline drip also rehydrates the red blood cells when they pass through the fluid.

Oxygen toxicity is due to its power to dehydrate. When oxygen is released from a container it wants to revert back to air. It extracts moisture from its surroundings to do this. When released into the respiratory tract the mucosa and alveoli became dehydrated. The damage this does is labeled reactive oxygen species ROS. Any reference to oxidation is really describing dehydration.

I assert zero oxygen is required in mammalian physiology.

There is more to tell ...

Click on my blue icon to read my articles.

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